Thursday, November 21, 2013

I got those holiday blues already.

I used to love the holidays, from Halloween on, it was always fun to
decorate the house for the children and make special foods and invite friends and family to gather at my house. I used to have stars in my eyes and a dreamy sense of that "Christmas spirit" around this time of year.

But more and more, it seems the media hype to "Buy! Buy! Buy! has worn me down. This Halloween, I didn't even bother to decorate the house and also don't plan to for Thanksgiving either. I'm not even sure I will put up a Christmas tree this year, which would be a first for me since I was first married back in the 80's.

When did it get to be just another date for "sales" in this country? We should take back these holidays from the stores and make them about celebration and finding time to be with friends, family, and being kind to our fellow man as well as find ways to make this season more meaningful instead of making sure we buy that "perfect present" if such a thing exists. As if we didn't have enough stress already. When shopping for people becomes a chore, then what is the reason for doing it other than obligation? How about we find ways of giving that don't always require money: Giving of our time, giving a kind word, creating something ourselves, etc. This might give us a better sense of what the holiday spirit it about.(Sigh).  Visit Hubpages for some great ideas for gifts that don't cost anything. (No really, they're free!). To contact me, or to buy a link, email me here

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