Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to tell if you have been given the cheaper health care plan (humor) (List)

President Obama’s New Affordable Healthcare Act is on a lot of people’s minds right now. There are a lot of questions and not a lot of answers unfortunately. But if you're wondering
whether or not how to tell if you got the cheaper one, maybe this list will give you some clues.

10.       Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.
9.         Directions to your doctor’s office includes “Take a left when you enter the trailer
8.         The tongue depressors have the faint taste of Popcicles.
7.         The only proctologist listed in the plan is “Gus” from Roto-Rooter.
6.         The only item listed under Preventative Care Coverage is “An apple a day.”
5.         Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last
4.         The patient is responsible for “200% of out of network charges,” is not a typo.
3.         Embalming is the only expense that is covered.
2.         Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M’s on them.


1.     1.        You asked  for Viagra, and they give you a Popsicle stick and some duct tape. 

This, of course, isn’t really the Bronze Plan of course, but I found it when I was cleaning out some files. It was given to me when I worked at a large health facility. I thought it quite apropos to the current state of flux we are having about the new changes in healthcare insurance.
There has been a lot of buzz on the web about insurance companies not giving people complete information about policies, a lot of people being dropped or being coerced into paying higher premiums than what they would if they would have gotten it from the healthcare market place. Just goes to show that when there is confusion and a lack of communication, someone is going to take advantage. For more information on healthcare plans (the real ones), go to the Health Insurance Marketplace for information on the Affordable Care Act. I did check it out but didn’t try to log on, so I really don’t know if the bugs were worked out, but my opinion is that we should give it some time, give them a chance to work things out…with the website, etc., as in the long run, this is going to be a good thing.  

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