Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let's celebrate the month of May!

Tiger Lily

The month of May is upon us. Flowers are finally in bloom, people are out and about getting their gardens ready, cleaning their yards for summer parties. Phew it’s a busy month. We have May Day on the first, Cinco De Mayo on the fifth, Teacher’s Day, Mother’s Day, and of course Memorial Day. And if that’s not all, May is National Asparagus month, National Salsa Month, National Barbeque Month, Egg Barbeque Month, National Hamburger Month, and others.

There are also many other Traditional celebrations around the world during the month of May. In Europe, May Day brings girls bedecked with flower garlands dancing around a Maypole. In England, there is a traditional dance called the English Morris Dance. Jews celebrate the giving of the Ten Commandments at Shavuoth. Flowers and plants decorate the synagogues. In Japan, there is a boy’s festival celebrated on May 5th.  Streamers in the shape of fish are put onto poles. Cinco De Mayo, once a minor Mexican holiday is gaining prominence in the United States and is celebrated with dancing, grito contests, music, and plenty of food.

During the Roman days, there was the festival of Maia where they celebrated the god Mercury on the first day of the Month, possibly the origins of May Day celebrations in Europe as a fertility rite. As an agricultural holiday, it was the time where flocks and herds were sent out to pasture for summer grazing. The ancient Celts called this time Beltane and lit bright fires to celebrate. The dance around the Maypole was traditional from the British Isles to Bavaria. In European celebrations, their traditional May Day celebrations featured a man dressed all in green called Green George.

Since the 20th century May Day has  turned more political with worker’s parades a common feature as a sort of Labour Day in many countries.

The end of May usually is the official start of the summer season in most parts of the U.S. We also celebrate our brave heroes, who have served bravely for our Country with many parades and ceremonies. We also gather for family barbeques and picnics to start off the summer. What would be more fitting than to gather family together at this time to honor them? Have a Good Day.

There are many sites on the web about holidays, this is just one: Holidays in the United States in 2015.

For some great recipes for the month of May check out The Nibble

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