Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why We Should All Care What the "Biebs" is Doing to himself.

Unless you have been under a rock this week, you probably have heard that Justin Bieber was arrested for drag-racing in Miami, Florida recently. It seems obvious to anyone following his career that lately he has been in a downward spiral;  from wildly talented pre-teen that sent scores of teeny-boppers screaming and crying just to hear the sound of his name; to saggy-pants-wearing, tattooed sullen-faced, in-your face little thug wanna be who seems to think that his money and his talent will make him above the law and whoever stands in his way of having fun.

So why should we care? Isn't he just another Hollywood get-rich heartthrob destined for rehab? It certainly seems that way. After a while we just start looking the other way. But is there a reason we should care about this young man who doesn't seem to know that his path is destined for disaster? Maybe even death, of himself, or others with the rampant drug use, disregard for other people's safety or property.

There are at least three reasons we should care, even if we are not fans of his.  For starters, even though right now it doesn't appear that he is thinking too straight in  terms of what he is doing to himself, millions of teens and young adults are watching what he is doing, either emulating him or trashing him. Both are problematic. I see some really hateful, horrible things said about him in comments and that deplorable. Even though we will probably never get near the young man, he is a human, worthy of at least that kindness.At the other side of the coin are those young impressionable girls who think that what he has done is still okay, but if they think what Justin is doing is okay, what sort of boys would they date?

Finally we should care because the media is not going to give this a rest for a long time coming. We are going to be subjected to the antics of the "Biebs" for a long time and since misery loves company, the worse he gets, the more the media is going to write about him.  Long story short, the quicker he makes a recovery, gets himself back on track, the sooner we will not have to watch the train wreck that is his life right now.

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